Learn algorithms to excel in IOI.

ICPC Preparation
Learn algorithms to excel in ICPC.

Prepare for interviews at top tech companies.
We are eager to share our experiences in Algorithms and Competitive Programming

Why choose us?
We offer competitively priced
classes without compromising on quality. The price starts at $25.

Why choose us?
Problem Bank
We offer a problem bank featuring
2000 varied problems across all categories and difficulty levels.

Why choose us?
Internal Contests
We offer internal contests, tailored roadmaps, counseling, and more.
Group Class
These classes can have 2 to 4 students.

2-student class
Online classes
Targeted problems
Internal contests
- If you don't have any classmates, start solo at the same price; your classmate will join you later!

3-student class
Online classes
Targeted problems
Internal contests
- If you don't have any classmates, start solo at the same price; the other two will join you later!

4-student class
Online classes
Targeted problems
Internal contests
- (Available only if you already have a group)
Other Programs

Online classes
Upsolve the contests
- Offering a comprehensive package ideal for teams preparing for competitions
- Details and prices will be determined during negotiations

One-on-One Class
Online classes
Internal contests and upsolving
Consultations with experienced programmers and medalists
Tailored roadmap, and ongoing progress monitoring
- A 10% discount for girls to encourage greater female participation in informatics competitions
- A 10% discount for any student who is the first participant from their country

Personalized advice tailored to your situation
Experienced programmers and medalists
- Details and prices will be determined during negotiations
Hear From Our Learners
Our Team

MohammadMahdi Shokri
Academy Teacher
• Gold and Bronze medalist in the Iran National Olympiad in Informatics.
• ICPC Asia-Tehran Regional Champion (2017 and 2018).
• Gold medal and 5th place in Asia-Pacific Informatics Olympiad (APIO 2016).
• Over 8 years of teaching experience.
• Two years of experience as a member of the IOI Host Scientific Committee.
Amirreza Pourakhavan
Academy Leader & Teacher
• Contest coordinator at LeetCode and formerly, Codeforces and HackerEarth.
• Took first place (full mark) in the Baltic Olympiad in Informatics 2020 Mirror among 1.2k participants around the world.
• ICPC World Finalist (twice) and took a high-honored place.
• Solved over 5000 problems on various platforms.
• Arab and African Collegiate Programming Championship and European Girls' Olympiad in Informatics Judge.

Amirreza Dorosti
Academy Teacher
• Silver medalist in APIO.
• Gold and silver medalist in the Iran National Olympiad in Informatics.

MohammadSadra Kohestani
Academy Teacher
• Gold and silver medalist in the Iran National Olympiad in Informatics.

Amirhossein Farkhondefar
Academy Teacher
• Silver medalist in APIO.
• Gold and bronze medalist in the Iran National Olympiad in Informatics.

Hadi Alikarami
Academy Teacher
• Studying for a Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering at AUT.
• Bronze medalist in Tehran regional ICPC.
• Over 2 years of teaching experience.
• Tester of Leetcode contests.

Amirmohammad Askarieh
Academy Teacher
• Honorary diploma in the Iran National Olympiad in Informatics.
• Over 2 years of teaching experience.
• Problem adder at Leetcode.
Global Participants

Frequently Asked Questions
Useful Blogs
What is worth knowing?

Codeforces Rating VS IOI Rank
Is there any meaningful relationship between Codeforces rating and IOI placement? Can I predict my IOI rank from my Codeforces rating?

Free Classes for Palestinian and Lebanese Coders
It has been a year since our brothers and sisters in Palestine have been dying and watching their families die. With the war in Lebanon also unfolding, we wondered what we could do. We, Algoritmi Academy, want to do the least we can to support people there...
Contact us
Have a Question?
Who is Algoritmi?
Al-Khwarizmi, a 9th-century Persian mathematician, is often hailed as the father of algebra. His groundbreaking work laid the foundation for systematic mathematical problem-solving, leading to the development of the concept we now recognize as an algorithm. Interestingly, the term algorithm is derived from the Latinized version of his name, Algoritmi, which is also the inspiration for us.
Discover more about Al-Khwarizmi in this 3-minute BBC documentary video.